What is the Difference Between Perennials and Annuals?

What exactly is the difference between perennials and annuals? The dictionary defines them as:

Perennial: lasting or existing for a long or apparently infinite time; enduring or continually recurring.

Annual: occurring once every year.


Perennial flowers continue to grow year after year by remaining dormant through the winter. Annual flowers are planted in the spring and summer and die once the season is over.

Both types of flower have their advantages and disadvantages. Annuals are typically cheaper than perennials so they can be added for a beautiful display of color throughout the spring and summer seasons at a lower cost upfront. Perennials are sustainable; they last for years and withstand a variety of weather conditions. They require less maintenance than annuals since they don’t need to be replanted each year and they can even be divided to make more flowers after several growing seasons.

Terracare Associates recommends planting a combination of annuals and perennials to create the most beautiful landscapes. Attractive landscaping can add significant value to your property, so contact us today to make sure your property is in top shape for spring.