Turf Wars: How to win the Battle With 3 Common Turf Grass Problems

Turf grass fights a constant battle with 3 common problems: diseases, weeds and insects. What can you do to fight them?


Bermuda grass, St. Augustine and other turf grasses can be susceptible to various diseases. Bald patches, brown spots and dead grass can be signs of disease in your grass. From the fungus that causes take-all patch to the combination of thatch and other conditions that cause slime mold, there are a variety of causes for the problem.

How to Control Turf Grass Diseases

Be sure your commercial landscape contractor has established a regular feeding and fertilization routine, this will help to keep your grass disease-free. Using the right fertilizer will help keep grasses healthy.

The best course of action is to consult a commercial landscaping company to correctly identify and treat the disease affecting your grass. Incorrect treatment could cause further damage and kill your grass.


Weeds are one of the most troublesome problems in maintaining healthy grass. Not only do they mare the beauty of a lush, green lawn, but they also steal precious water, nutrients and sunlight from your turf grass.

Perennial weeds, like dallisgrass, dandelions and chicory can lay dormant during the winter months, but grow quickly with the first spring rains and summer heat.

How to Control Weeds

The best way to control weeds is prevention. Effective control of weed growth requires the use of a post-emergent herbicide during their active growth season. It is important to identify the type of weed in order to determine the proper treatment. You must know if the weed is annual or perennial, since pre-emergent herbicides are only effective for control of annual weeds.

A certified plant health care specialist can help with all applications, the wrong herbicide can damage your grass and harm the environment.


What can be mistaken for a disease in your grass might very well be the effects of insect damage. Effective insect control targets the harmful pests that cause damage to plants. Insects like grub worms, chinch bugs and fire ants flourish when it is hot and dry. Chinch bugs suck the life out of St. Augustine grass, leaving large, brown patches of dead grass.

How to Control InsectsGrass

You must first determine the type of insects that have infested your grass, this will help you to determine which chemicals might be most effective. It is best to talk to your commercial landscape maintenance contractor to determine the best chemical weed and pest control for your lawn.

This is the time to prepare your property for the heat of the upcoming months. If you start now to take care of your turf grass, you can avoid these problems. Contact Terracare Associates today to ensure your grass stays beautiful and green this summer.