Who else wants to add color despite drought conditions?

Whenever drought or water restriction hit, one of the first things commercial property owners notice is how brown and dry everything gets. Your property’s once lush landscape will quickly begin to fade. One way to add some color to your property’s landscape despite these drought conditions is the addition of native plants. The word “native” means that the plant is indigenous to the area and can thrive without human contributions. Below are five beautiful options that can enhance your property.

Prairie Coneflower

The prairie coneflower’s coloring ranges from yellow to red, which will surely brighten up any commercial property during the dry months. Prairie coneflowers can thrive in full sun exposure and only need light to moderate watering.  In addition to their drought resilient ability, these flowers are also resistant to most diseases and pests that plague other garden plants.

Desert Four O’Clock

Desert four o’clock is one of the showiest drought resistant flowers. They produce an attractive magenta flower that will catch anyone’s eye.  They require little to no additional water making them the perfect flower for your commercial property once a drought rolls around.


These unique flowers offer something different to your landscape. Tradescantia flowers are usually blue or purple and only remain open during the day, closing during the night. They are very resilient and prosper in hardy conditions.


If your commercial property’s landscape is in need for a cheerful flower this is surely the one. Gaillardia are marked with a flamboyant bright red and yellow coloring. They flourish in full sun and love well-drained soil, which is great for dry conditions.

Pink Muhly

This ornamental grass is a tough, hardy plant that is undaunted by drought conditions. It also, does amazing in conditions ranging from full sun to shade. If alone doesn’t sell you on the plant, the grass also changes coloring throughout the year. In the spring and early summer months, the grass begins as a green, then changes to a pinkish, burgundy grouping, and then finishes off the year as a wheat colored plant.

For recommendations or help planting flowers for your commercial landscape property click here: Contact Us


2018 Summer Weather Predictions. Will your Region Experience a Drought?

Summer is almost here! Now is the perfect time to evaluate your region’s weather. By doing this now you can prepare for any restrictions and potential drought conditions in your area. For these forecasts, we chose to use The Farmer’s Almanac along with other accredited weather sources.


California is projected to have warmer conditions that combined with dryness can pose a risk for wildfires and drought. The southwestern part of the state will surely will be affected by these conditions the most. Additionally, The Farmer’s Almanac states, “the hottest periods will be from late May into early June and in mid-June and mid-July”. Fortunately, rainfall should increase for the area from July to August and bring much needed relief to this region.


According to The Farmer’s Almanac, temperatures throughout Colorado will be “warm to hot” and “the hottest periods will be all of July and mid-August”. The biggest issue facing Colorado however is lack of snowfall from the previous winter. The Natural Resources Conservation Service says, “The state would need over 14,000 percent of its normal precipitation now to reach normal peak levels”.


Texas is predicted to have a “very warm, average rainfall with plenty of thunderstorms” with “the hottest periods in mid-July and mid-August”. However, in spite of this rainfall, Texas currently has almost 50 percent of the state dealing with a drought that is still threatening to spread. In addition, the Texas Tribune says “six Texas cities already limit residents to two days a week of outdoor watering: Austin, Dallas, Fort Worth, Frisco, Lubbock and The Woodlands”.

Drought conditions may seem daunting especially for your commercial property’s landscape. It may be hard to keep up the appeal you want while adhering to mandatory water restrictions. However, they do not have to be. Each Thursday this month, we will be releasing articles on how to respond to these conditions. Terracare can also help you with any questions you have in the meantime.  If you have any questions please contact us below!

Contact Us.

5 Amazing Trees for Your Parking Lot or Streetscape

Choosing the right tree for your parking lot or paved area can be a very daunting yet important task. Hardy trees are imperative and need to be able to withstand the baking sun and lack of or excess of moisture in a parking lot environment. The addition of the right type of tree can benefit your property’s parking lot or streetscape. An appropriate tree will not only improve the overall appearance, but also can help reduce storm water drainage problems and prevent soil erosion. Below are five great options to try in your parking lot or streetscape.


Up until the 1930s, the elm tree was the most popular tree for streets and parking lots. Around that time, Dutch elm disease struck causing turmoil for countless elm trees. Presently, the elm tree is making a comeback! Researchers have developed cultivators, which allow the tree to be more resistant to the disease. In addition to now being disease resistant, these trees are also very tolerant to any salt from your roads or parking lots.

Crepe Myrtle

This vibrant tree is a great option for your parking lot. These trees range from red, pink or white blooming flower clusters, which will brighten up any parking lot. Parking lots are also notorious for being hot. Heat reflects off the asphalt making it very hard on trees. Crepe myrtle trees fortunately can thrive in this heat. They have the ability to flourish in drought conditions, which is good for parking lots with storm water drainage problems.


The zelkova tree can grow up to 60 feet and forms a beautiful vase-like shape with a rounded crown. In the fall zelkova trees also have a beautiful, rusty red and orange color that will truly add to the appeal of your property. This tree flourishes in parking lots or other paved areas because of its high tolerance for wind, pollution and drought conditions.


Another beautiful option are the Linden trees with their dense canopies and fragrant flowers. This canopy produces amazing shade for anyone entering and exiting your parking lot. Furthermore, linden trees have the ability to tolerate a wide variety of hostile conditions such as pollution, compacted soil and parking lots with poor drainage.



Scholar tree

The scholar tree grows from 40 to 50 feet in height and displays beautiful white or yellow flowers in the summer. These trees thrive in sunny, heated locations and can tolerate polluted city conditions, salt, alkaline soil, and moderate drought.

A Look Inside Terracare’s Sustainable Practices

We hear the term “sustainable” a lot nowadays. From the food we eat to the energy we use, it seems like the word sustainable is everywhere. As a landscaping company, Terracare has a passion to be stewards of our environment while protecting the health, safety and welfare of our communities, clients and staff. This dedication has allowed Terracare to lead the outdoor industry in developing sustainable environments for more than 30 years. Furthermore, we believe it is our responsibility to preserve our landscapes and take steps towards sustainability. In turn, ensuring that our future generations have an environment they can enjoy. Below are a few practices Terracare regularly takes to make your property more sustainable:

Providing you with a new approach to landscape

Terracare positions itself as a leader that embraces new technologies in our field and that understands new trends. By taking this approach, TCA can offer solutions that are innovative and cutting- edge. A few examples of this are using smart controllers, xeriscaping, installing edible gardens and drought tolerant landscapes.

Providing you with safer, more efficient plant-health care

Our team of professionals will bring out the best in your landscape implementing a strict Integrated Pest Management (IPM) schedule. This will focus on properly feeding your landscape while monitoring the plant material and using pesticides only as a last resort.

Use recycling practices

Whenever possible, TCA composts and recycles plant materials and other organic material. By taking this approach, we cut down on the amount of waste in landfills and reduce greenhouse gases. Additionally, compost acts as a natural soil conditioner, which improves the soil structure and reduces needs for pesticide and synthetic fertilizer. We strive for zero waste on our projects.

What’s next?

If you need direction for your regenerative landscape and sustainable steps, reach out. Let us see what Terracare Associates and your organization can build together.

Contact Us.


5 Benefits of Green Roofs

You may think living in an urban environment severely limits a commercial property’s ability to enjoy a landscape. However, the trend of growing a green roof now provides that opportunity. A green roof allows projects in high-density areas to be built with a landscape, by partially or completely covering their rooftops in vegetation and plant life. Green roofs have many more benefits and below are a few of these attributes.

Reduces Heat

In many urban or metropolitan environments, heat increases considerably due to the use of various materials such as the concrete and steel that cover most buildings. These materials absorb and store the sun’s energy as heat. Furthermore, as the population expands in these environments, so does the use of these materials. This dome of heated air in cities is referred to as the “urban heat island effect”. As a result of noticeably warmer cities, the cooling costs of the building are significantly raised. However, with the addition of a green roof to a building, it can reduce the heat a building generates by 50 degrees. The vegetation of the green roofs serve as a cooling property. This provides a natural insulation that result in a work environment with a pleasant temperature.

Storm Water Management

Throughout a typical day in an urban environment, dust and particles collect on rooftops. This dust then builds up until a storm washes it away. The precipitation then carries the dust that has been built up resulting in unwanted runoff.  When a property has a green roof, vegetation stores the water and other materials like a sponge. This results in a great reduction in the amount of runoff. Additionally, the green roof will delay the excess amount of storm water from the roof or into your property’s storm water system.

Allows for Employees/ Residents to Relax

Whether you are trying to escape the office or just need a chance to enjoy some beautiful foliage, green roofs can be your solution. A busy, loud city can add stress to the lives of occupants at a commercial property and the calming green roofs provide a much-needed respite. Having the opportunity to walk through and enjoy the scenery that a green roof brings is the perfect way to add some much-needed relaxation in the midst of a hectic day.

Create an Eco-system

With the expansion of growth, the urban setting has displaced the natural habitats of many animals, insects the native vegetation. With the addition of a green roof, a commercial property can attempt to recreate the eco-system. This attracts an assortment of wildlife to the green roof. From bees to migratory birds and even foxes that the Facebook campus in Menlo Park has, installing a green roof will help restore the environment that is no longer there. Additionally, green roofs allow for the replacement of the plants that were likely destroyed when the building was constructed. This is beneficial because the plants generate necessary oxygen and trap the hazardous carbon dioxide. The plants also catch particles and pollutants that reduce the dust and smog levels.

Farm to Table

One unique benefit that a green roof can offer is to cultivate fresh produce. This trend is growing in popularity as farm to table restaurants continue to spread throughout the country. This allows restaurants to incorporate the yield from the gardens into their menu. Guests enjoy eating the freshest foods and those preparing the food know that they had a hand in the process at every step along the way.

3 Reasons to Add Mulch to your Property this Spring

We have almost made it through the frigid months of winter! Now is a great time to get out and assess your commercial property’s landscape. When you are doing this, you might have realized that after months of moisture and colder temperatures your landscape beds need help. This is a great time to refresh and add new mulch to your landscape beds. Below are a few benefits your property receives when mulch is added.

Traps moisture in the summer:

During the warmer months of summer, mulch is such a helpful tool. One of the major benefits is the increased amount of moisture your plants receive. This moisture is essential to offset the water restrictions that are sure to come in the summer months. When applied, mulch helps conserve moisture in your landscape beds, keeping your trees, shrubs and flowers healthy.

Prevents weeds:

Weeds are a common and often unruly problem to your landscape beds. They steal the necessary nutrients and block much needed moisture. Weeds also make your property look unkempt. Using mulch however, is a phenomenal way to naturally combat this invasive weed. Just like other plants, weeds require light and warm soil to survive. When mulch is used, it creates a barrier that prevents weeds from sprouting because they do not have the strength to push through the mulch.

Provides a professional look:

You may have noticed that mulch loses its vibrancy and fades with time. Generally, your mulch has a shelf life of less than a year and after surviving winter, it is time to replace it for best impact. Although this is not the main purpose of mulch, the faded, dull coloring gives off a less than professional appearance. A few mulch options we recommend trying are pinestraw or wood mulch for a natural colorful look.

What’s Next:

Do you need help adding mulch to your property or deciding which type of mulch to add? Have a Terracare expert come out and assess your property now!
Schedule an Appointment.

Commercial Landscape Spring Checklist

Spring is in the air! The trees are blooming, the birds are chirping and flowers are beginning to poke out of the dirt. This is the perfect time to get your commercial landscape property in pristine condition for the upcoming year. We all want a beautiful commercial property; here are a few suggestions for a successful spring season.

Cleanup and Prep:

With the freshness of spring comes plenty of cleanup from the season before. This cleanup is an important first step to restore your commercial property to its former glory. Some keys areas for our Terracare landscape expert to focus on;

  • Cleaning up debris
  • Raking up leftover leaves, sticks or pine needles
  • Trimming back perennials and grasses
  • Removing excess mulch and leaf scraps from the base of your plants
  • Checking any metal edging to make sure that it is hasn’t heaved over the winter.

Lawn Prep and Maintenance:

Having a well-manicured, green yard is something that will increase the overall appearance of a property and have a lasting impact on the amount traffic and business your company attracts. Lawn preparation is a vital step for any commercial property. We recommend aeration which is poking small holes in the lawn so water and fertilizer can reach the roots effectively. Terracare recommends the application of both quality fertilizer and a product for pre- emergent weed control. These applications are very helpful in preventing weeds and boosting your plant’s nutrients.

IrrigationIrrigation System Startup:

Another crucial step when getting your commercial landscape property in order for the upcoming season is the proper preparation of your irrigation system. This process ranges from ensuring that the water pressure is correct to replacing damaged parts and even to checking that the ground is unfrozen. It may seem lengthy and challenging, however all of these steps are important to avoid future unnecessary costs.
For springtime irrigation steps, take a look at our article here:
Irrigation Steps.

Spring Planting:

Spring is also a great time for your commercial landscape property to set itself apart from the rest. A great way to do this and also attract more visitors is by adding color to your property. Studies show a beautiful commercial landscape can raise your property value and attractiveness by as much as 20%. To do this Terracare recommends adding perennials, because they will return year after year. To learn more about five perennials that can really make your property stand out click here:
Perennial Choices.

What’s Next?

These steps can be challenging and overwhelming for any commercial property owner. This is where Terracare Associates comes in. Our trained and certified professionals are here to help you achieve the commercial landscape property that you have always dreamed of. Click below to set up a meeting:

Contact Us.

5 Steps to Tune-Up Your Irrigation this Spring

The sun is out and shining, the weather is warming up and the ground is thawing out. There is no better time than springtime to ensure that your commercial landscape property’s sprinkler system is ready for the rest of the year. By following these few simple steps you will be able to save money, prevent water loss and avoid a mid- summer landscape disaster! Start your warm watering season off the right way by following these easy steps:

Lone Tree Plaza-21. Don’t Jump the Gun

By starting your property’s irrigation system too early, you risk damaging the pipes, especially if the ground is still too hard. It is important to make sure that the soil at your commercial property is not still frozen. To do this you will want to take your shovel and push it down at least twelve inches. If it’s tough to do so or the ground is rock solid, it is a good idea to wait a week and try again.

2. Check the Controller

Now is the time to evaluate the irrigation controls and programs of your irrigation systems. It has been months since your commercial property’s irrigation system has been used. Many things could have happened to the controls during the colder months. It is important to make sure that the date and time are accurate, the setting fits correctly and that the back-up battery is up to date. We suggest that your irrigation system’s back-up battery be replaced every six months for optimal use.

3. Unhindered Flow

Over the course of a winter, debris can cover up your commercial property’s sprinkler heads. If unchecked, substances such as dirt, branches or rocks can lead to wasted water and an unhealthy landscape. It is very important to thoroughly inspect the commercial property’s sprinkler heads and remove any barrier that may be blocking the spray.

Irrigation4. Replace Damaged Parts

Was one of your property’s sprinkler heads run over by a lawn mower? Perhaps a community dog is pulling out the sprinkler heads. Sprinkler heads and valves are made to endure normal wear and tear; however, it is best to be ready for the occasional mishap. Springtime is the perfect time to address and repair these broken irrigation parts. By doing this you can prevent over watering which will wreak havoc on your plants and your water bill. Contact Terracare Associates trained and certified irrigation technicians to schedule any irrigation concerns or repairs.

Schedule an Appointment.

5. Check the Pressure

Now it is time to turn the main water valve back on. However, it is crucial to ensure that the water pressure is at a safe operating range for your irrigation system. If your commercial landscape property’s irrigation system is too high it can result in damages. A few examples of the potential damages could include cracked pipes, busted valves, sprinkler head leaks and inefficient watering. To counterattack any of these damages we recommend having your system at an operating range between 40-65 PSI.

What’s Next?

At Terracare Associates, we recommend performing a regular irrigation system audit. Your irrigation systems should be regularly inspected for leaks, broken sprinkler heads, or other damaged components. During our regular inspections, we evaluate pressure and adjust it as needed so your sprinklers work at the optimal level to distribute the water. To schedule an audit from one of our trained irrigation techs please fill out the form below:

Free Irrigation Audit

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

How to Respond to Four Common Spring Issues

The snow is melting and warmer weather is on the horizon! As a commercial landscape property owner, a few unexpected issues may arise as the nicer weather returns. Good news! Terracare Associates is here to help your commercial landscape property look phenomenal for the rest of the year. Below are four very common issues that you may run into and ways to address these issues.

Harm from Snow Removal and Winter Salt

Whether it be from improper shoveling or damaging salts, you may notice that brown spots have appeared throughout your commercial landscape property. This problem arises most frequently on turf areas that border sidewalks or parking lots. Salts that helped us in the winter have absorbed moisture and left brown or yellow sections in areas in your turf. To repair this issue, we recommend seeding now in early spring for early spot repair, keeping it green.

Invasive Crabgrass and weeds

When your property’s lawn is weak, it is the perfect opportunity for challenging weeds and crabgrass to move in. These weeds and crabgrass can be hard to get rid of especially the later it gets into the year. To regulate this issue and prevent these weeds, crabgrass control should be applied annually. By doing this a barrier will be created to protect your grass and combat the weeds from invading your property.

Drainage Issues

With spring comes precipitation throughout most of the United States. This precipitation is usually a blessing for your commercial landscape property and will lead to a green, vibrant property. However, when certain spots on your property have poor drainage and retain this precipitation you can have over watered turf that will destroy your lawn. Additionally, this extra water can lead to over watered turf and destroy your lawn. The solution to this problem is to walk the property early on with a Terracare professional and identify these problem areas. Our landscape professional will carefully access your property and prepare a clear solution to any drainage problem.

Sustainable landscapingErosion

Spring precipitation brings erosion to any sloped area you may have at your property. The moisture comes down and drives materials towards the bottom of the hill. To prevent this issue we recommend to either vary your root type, to mix up your leaf type or to fluctuate your plant height. By taking these actions, your soil will anchor in and prevent the erosion.

For help with any of your springtime needs or concerns reach out below:
Contact Us.

5 Perennials to Make Your Property Pop!

Spring is the perfect time to add colorful flower beds to your commercial landscape property. Studies show a beautiful commercial landscape can raise your property value and attractiveness by as much as 20%. The addition of perennials is a cost effective investment. Perennials will bloom and return year after year cutting down on replanting. Below are five examples of perennials that we would recommend.

May Night Sage

This impressive perennial presents in tall spikes of indigo flowers with lush green foliage. The flower also has an exceptional hardiness to the cold and is the wonderful fit for any commercial landscape property in cooler climates. The May Night Sage blooms from late spring to early summer and matures to a height of 15 to 18 inches tall.


Blanket Flower

These beautiful flowers project a daisy-like feel with strong shades of wine red, orange and yellow. For the most part these flowers’ petals have a unique tubular shape. On the other hand, some of petals have frilled edges that also looked very stunning. The sizes of this plant will range from 10-12 inch high dwarfs to selections as tall as 24-30 inches.


Echinacea, better known as cone flowers, are colorful daisy-like flowers that bloom from mid-summer to early fall and can grow up to five feet tall. They thrive in areas with full sun and poor soil. These plants are drought resistant and do not require fertilization. You will see beautiful flowers return year after year with very little work if you choose this plant for your property.


Yarrow consists of flower heads full of small, tightly packed blossoms and aromatic leaves. This plant blooms from mid-summer to fall and typically grows to be two to four feet tall. It grows best when planted in well-drained soil with full sun. Yarrow is known for being durable and tolerates dry weather, so it is a perfect low-maintenance yet beautiful addition to any walkway.

Lavender Hidcote

Lavender Hidcote is a tall, purple flower known for its wonderful fragrance and its tendency to attract butterflies. It prefers hot, sunny and dry air and well-drained soil, making it the perfect choice for western climates. Lavender Hidcote does not require regular watering and will thrive on just 9-12 inches of rain per year. You can expect to see this plant bloom in mid to late summer.

For recommendations or help planting flowers for your commercial landscape property click here: Contact Us